Purchasing Information If you are interested in purchasing this original acrylic painting, fill out the Purchase Inquiry form on this page. I can calculate your shipping costs based on your delivery options and I will email you a Square Secure Invoice where you can make your payment. Artwork sold from my website do not have gallery commissions or fees added to the price. you are dealing directly with the artist.
Shipping to USA $180. customs charges may apply Shipping to Canada $100. If you live in Alberta, I may be able to arrange delivery in person.
*About Shipping Shipping prices shown here have been estimated based on past experience. Prices for shipping art fluctuates constantly. When you place your order, I will check the current prices and if they are lower, I will adjust the invoice. If they are higher, I will pay the extra. USA customers: US customs will sometimes add a duty fee to your delivery. I have no control over this.